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tylko na miejscu
Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Wyp. Dzieci (Rynek 8)
Filia Gębice
Filia Wylatowo
Czytelnia Miejska (Rynek 8)
Czytelnia Dzieci (Rynek 8)
Czytelnia Gębice
Poe Edgar Allan
Dickens Charles
Doyle Arthur Conan
Shakespeare William
Wells H. G
Twain Mark
Verne Jules
London Jack
Wallace Edgar
Dumas Alexandre
Scott Walter
Austen Jane
Stevenson Robert Louis
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Woolf Virginia
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Vázquez-Figueroa Alberto
Zweig Stefan
Alcott Louisa May
Cooper James Fenimore
Hawthorne Nathaniel
Ramis Sergi
Collins Wilkie
Fitzgerald F. Scott
May Karl
Flaubert Gustave
Joyce James
Caioli Luca
Steen Michael
Conrad Joseph
Defoe Daniel
Irving Washington
Marx Karl
Freud Sigmund
Atkinson William Walker
Howells William Dean
Kant Immanuel
Orczy Emma
Shelley Mary
Brontë Charlotte
Buchan John
Henry Matthew
Raabe Wilhelm
Coleridge Samuel Taylor
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Melville Herman
Stratz Rudolf
Trollope Anthony
Wilde Oscar
autores Varios
Dominik Hans
Stoker Bram
Tolstoy Leo
Weiß Ernst
Arnim Achim von
Benson E. F
Blake William
Clegg Brian
Kabel Walther
López Javier Alonso
Roth Joseph
Spurgeon C.H
Wells Carolyn
Delafield E. M
James Henry
MacDonald George
Ury Else
Zola Emile
Ebers Georg
Fontane Theodor
Grey Zane
Keats John
Luther Martin
Scheerbart Paul
Douglass Frederick
Gilman Charlotte Perkins
Gogol Nikolai
Haynes Annie
Hugo Victor
Ibsen Henrik
Lovecraft H. P
Merritt Abraham
Stifter Adalbert
Tolstoi Leo
Bower B. M
Curwood James Oliver
Dostojewski Fjodor Michailowitsch
Gaboriau Émile
Ganghofer Ludwig
Lagerlöf Selma
Lowndes Marie Belloc
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Schopenhauer Arthur
Schücking Levin
Bierce Ambrose
Chekhov Anton
Dreiser Theodore
Fitzgerald Francis Scott
Gotthelf Jeremias
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
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Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
6-8 lat
9-13 lat
0-5 lat
14-17 lat
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Klasa 4
Klasa 5
Klasa 6
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książka w języku angielskim
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Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Apollo 11
Armstrong, Neil (1930-2012)
Basu, Kehkashan (2000- )
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Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924)
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Christie, Agatha (1890-1976)
Ciało ludzkie
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Temat: miejsce
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Anglia (Wielka Brytania)
Bałtyk (wybrzeże)
Berlin (Niemcy)
Delhi (Indie)
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Londyn (Wielka Brytania)
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Wielka Brytania
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9329 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Flash Back / Eugeniusz Dębski. - Wydanie I. - Poznań : Wydawnictwo CIA-Books ; Gorzowskie Wydawnictwo Obywatelskie, 1989. - 238, [1] strona ; 16 cm.
Cykl: Owen Yeates, tom 3.
Owen Yeates, cholerny, cwany... literat? Cóż, detektyw na emeryturze czepia się najdziwniejszych zajęć, także rozwiązywania zagadek na papierze. To wygodniejsze, bardziej dochodowe i NIKT NIE ODSTRZELI CI DUPSKA. Do czasu... Ten facet na milę śmierdział kłopotami, mafią i aspiracjami do władania światem. Ale częstował koniakiem AYO i obiecał, że bliskim Owena nie spadnie włos z głowy. Po prostu sympatyczny gość, któremu KTOŚ MIESZA W ŻYCIORYSIE. Owen znowu pakuje się w bagno. I tylko czas mu sprzyja...
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Filia Gębice
Brak informacji o dostępności: sygn. K [lok. Wypożyczalnia Gębice] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Reprint, oryginał : Warszawa : Nakładem Władzy Edukacyjnéj Królestwa Polskiego : Drukarnia Rządowa przy Komissyi Rządowej Oświecenia Publicznego, 1864.
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Czytelnia Miejska (Rynek 8)
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 82-84 [lok. Czytelnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Stanowi 1. część cyklu. Tom 2, Odnajdę cię.
Rozgrzej serce w greckim słońcu.
Emilia nie wierzy w miłość. Po tym jak ojciec odszedł do innej, mama wychowała ją sama. To ona nauczyła dziewczynę, że zawsze, niezależnie od sytuacji, trzeba walczyć o swoje i podążać za marzeniami. Gdy więc pojawia się szansa na pracę w magicznym greckim miasteczku, Emilia nie waha się ani chwili.
Już w samolocie okazuje się jednak, że coś poszło nie tak. Do Grecji nie leci sama, a z Mateuszem, który twierdzi, że to ON otrzymał tę pracę. Na miejscu zaś, po serii zupełnie nieprzewidzianych zdarzeń, na jej drodze staje tajemniczy Nikias, który otwiera przed nią zupełnie nowy, gorący od greckiego słońca świat.
Tymczasem w Polsce jej mama, Danka, spotyka miłość sprzed lat. I choć rozsądek podpowiada zupełnie co innego, serce nie daje za wygraną. Dawno zapomniane marzenia zaczynają tlić się na nowo, zmieniając życie nie tylko Dance, ale i nieświadomej niczego Emilii. [źródło opisu : nota wydawcy]
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Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.162.1-3 [lok. Wypożyczalnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Nawet w najczarniejszych chwilach warto dać szansę szczęściu i prawdziwej miłości Zaledwie kilka godzin przed wymarzoną podróżą na Korfu Tomek oznajmia Natalii, że kocha inną. Jej świat rozpada się na kawałki. To miał być ich pierwszy wyjazd za granicę. Turkusowe morze, ciepły piasek, tylko oni dwoje… Od momentu, w którym Natalia pojawia się w hotelowym lobby, Michał nie może przestać o niej myśleć. Ale romans z turystką? Przecież nie po to wyjechał aż na Korfu, by znowu ściągnąć na siebie kłopoty! Jednak każda kolejna wspólnie spędzona chwila upewnia Michała, że Natalia to kobieta jego życia. Gdy zakochanych już tylko krok dzieli od szczęśliwego zakończenia, wyniki badań lekarskich przekreślają wszystko. W dodatku w życiu Natalii na nowo pojawia się… Tomek. Czy wakacyjny romans może przerodzić się w prawdziwą miłość i przetrwać najgorsze? [].
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Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: sygn. 821.162.1-3 [lok. Wypożyczalnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Zaczekaj na mnie / Monika Michalik. - Wydanie I. - Kraków : Chilli Books - Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak, 2020. - 424, [1] strona ; 21 cm.
Czy będziesz na mnie czekał? Aleksander Domański ma już dość śledzących go paparazzi i czytania w prasie wciąż nowych rewelacji na temat swoich romansów. Wyjeżdża nad morze, by zaszyć się w cichym miejscu i zastanowić, czy kiedykolwiek jeszcze napisze o miłości. Już dawno przestał w nią wierzyć. Ale gdy tylko zjawia się w recepcji pensjonatu i poznaje Amelię, całkowicie zapomina o swoim planie. Nie może uwolnić się od wspomnienia jej pięknych oczu. Choć całe miasteczko huczy od plotek o przyjeździe znanego z miłostek pisarza, Amelia walczy ze sobą, by nie ulec jego urokowi. W domu czeka na nią mąż. I mimo że Grzegorz nie przypomina już mężczyzny, którego pokochała, Amelia wierzy, że jeszcze wszystko się zmieni. Przecież obiecał, że więcej nie zrobi jej krzywdy. Gdy Amelia wreszcie postanawia zaryzykować i posłuchać swojego serca, dzieje się najgorsze. Czy Aleksander spełni swoją obietnicę? Czy usunie się wreszcie w cień? Monika Michalik potrafi poruszyć najczulsze struny serca. Historie, które opowiada, czerpie z prawdziwego życia. Dają nadzieję, że przyjaźń i miłość potrafią pomóc przetrwać wszystko.
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Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.162.1-3 [lok. Wypożyczalnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Bodyguard / James Patterson, Jessica Linden. - London : BookShots, copyright 2016. - 140 stron ; 19 cm.
James Patterson's BookShots. Short, fast-paced, high-impact entertainment. The Most Eligible Bachelor on Capitol Hill has met his match. Abbie Whitmore is good at her job. She knows how to protect people, and she's always right - until Congressman Jonathan Lassiter comes along. The presidential hopeful refuses to believe that his politics have put him in danger, yet Abbie's determined to keep him safe. But how can she protect him while she's guarding her heart?. [].
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Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.111(73)-3=111 [lok. Wypożyczalnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
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When a bloated corpse is found floating in the River Thames the police can at least sure that identifying the victim will be straightforward. Around the dead man's wrist is a hospital band. On it are the words Dr F. Klein. But psychotherapist Frieda Klein is very much alive. And, after evidence linking her to the murder is discovered, she becomes the prime suspect. Unable to convince the police of her innocence, Frieda is forced to make a bold decision in order to piece together the terrible truth before it's too late, either for her or for those she loves. Rich in intrigue, intensity and atmosphere, Friday on My Mind is classic Nicci French - a dark, gripping and sophisticated masterclass in psychological suspense in which nothing is quite what it seems ...[].
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Wyp. Miejska (Rynek 8)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.111-3=111 [lok. Wypożyczalnia Miejska] (1 egz.)
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Forma i typ
The book "Behind his Pictures" describes vividly, along with many pictures, what all the 85-year-old visual artist has done. He has done everything in the field of visual art; first he studied, then he taught, wrote, painted, sculpted, made TV films, books, founded a Nordic cultural magazine, wrote in a newspaper, and blogged in the web. Rich and high-quality artwork makes the book easy to read. It includes the growth of a Vyborish boy with his pictures from a 3-year-old child to a 85-year-old, vibrant old man. Aalto has touched and influenced an astonishing number of lives, and he has accomplished much. He is a true Renaissance man.
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Fables / Aesop. - [miejsce nieznane] : Books on Demand : Legimi, 2019.
Forma i typ
Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with his name have descended to modern times through a number of sources and continue to be reinterpreted in different verbal registers and in popular as well as artistic media. The fables originally belonged to the oral tradition and were not collected for some three centuries after Aesop's death. By that time a variety of other stories, jokes and proverbs were being ascribed to him, although some of that material was from sources earlier than him or came from beyond the Greek cultural sphere. The process of inclusion has continued until the present, with some of the fables unrecorded before the later Middle Ages and others arriving from outside Europe. The process is continuous and new stories are still being added to the Aesop corpus, even when they are demonstrably more recent work and sometimes from known authors. Manuscripts in Latin and Greek were important avenues of transmission, although poetical treatments in European vernaculars eventually formed another. On the arrival of printing, collections of Aesop's fables were among the earliest books in a variety of languages. Through the means of later collections, and translations or adaptations of them, Aesop's reputation as a fabulist was transmitted throughout the world. Initially the fables were addressed to adults and covered religious, social and political themes. They were also put to use as ethical guides and from the Renaissance onwards were particularly used for the education of children. Their ethical dimension was reinforced in the adult world through depiction in sculpture, painting and other illustrative means, as well as adaptation to drama and song. In addition, there have been reinterpretations of the meaning of fables and changes in emphasis over time.
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Forma i typ
Täglich werden in Deutschland 45 Millionen Plastikflaschen verkauft und 2000 LKW fahren für den Transport von Glas- und Plastik-Flaschen über unsere Straßen. Die Herstellung, der Transport und das Recycling von Flaschenwasser hinterlassen einen gigantischen CO2-Fußabdruck. Das ist völlig unnötig. Durch einen Verzicht auf Flaschen- und den Umstieg auf Leitungswasser leben Sie gesünder, sparen Kosten und schonen Ihre Umwelt. "Klimaschutz aus dem Hahn" führt durch die Welt des Wassers, der Filterung und Herstellung von Sprudelwasser für zu Hause, den Betrieb, die Gastronomie und öffentliche Orte. Jeder kann etwas tun. Es muss nicht anstrengend und komfortmindernd sein. Wir können sofort starten und dabei besser leben! Die ersten Schritte dazu liefert dieses fabelhafte Buch.
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The Maid of Flowerdale is the very first released adventure using the Vindeon world and game rules, set in the beautiful rural town of Flowerdale and its surroundings, in the Alerian county Faerann Eadar, western Loingseach. It is an investigation/mystery type adventure with creating a stark contrast between the fairytale surface of the land and the sinister darkness hidden within. This is the first act of the Night Court of Wolfstone campaign. It is followed by Act II: Through Nocturnal Woods.
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Insanity / Ari Airio. - [miejsce nieznane] : Books on Demand : Legimi, 2019.
Forma i typ
Is God Swedish? Is Santa a better person than Hitler? Who gave us gonorrhea and what is the meaning of life?
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Health has always been considered a fundamental issue for the human being since ancient times. In this book, Nawar Sabah Ajwad (the writer of Parapsychology: Facts and a Medical Approach) and (the writer of The Unknown about the Human Aura : The Human Aura from a Medical Point of View) writes about the human health with a very simple language which is suitable for everyone who is interested in revealing the secrets behind a very good health. The writer gives explanation and proof based on the orthodox medicine for the different ways that are discussed in this book in order to make the reader understand the reason behind the successful results of each way to optimize the health. This book helps the reader to realize the importance of many wyas that should be followed to enable each individual to grow healthier. This book is ideal for those who want to improve their health by natural ways. Some of chapters that are included in this book are: - Body detoxification - Aura clearing - The immune system - Healthy food - Multivitamins and minerals supplements - Physical exercise - Meditation - Sleeping rhythm - Acupuncture - Massage
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The human aura is not a new subject. It has been existing in the human history since ancient times. In this book Ajwad (the author of Parapsychology: Facts and a Medical Approach) writes about the human aura in a scientific and an interesting way which is suitable for both laymen and researchers in this field of study. This book is based on the knowledge of modern medicine in order to explain many ambiguous issues concerning the human aura. The reader can find answers for many questions about this subject. This book explains the reciprocal relationship between the healthy human aura and the healthy human body. It also explains the true relationship among the human nervous system, the human endocrine system and the human aura.
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Sometimes only an apocalypse can bring change. But who could know this one would involve one of Sweden's most famous and beloved celebrities during the filming of a lighthearted reality show? Fred had no idea, that's for sure. But it gave him the opportunity to take charge of his own life and stop looking back in anger. This is the true story of a life that started in the claws of the destructive and hypocritical Swedish Pentecostal movement and ends, through numerous insights, in the open-minded and loving philosophy of rational Satanism. It's about loving yourself and shaping your own universe, breaking free from from the insanity of Christian and heterosexual norms and the importance of secrets, magic, mysteries and insights.
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True individualism is to acknowledge and accept the differences of others; to live the life you want to live without interfering on your neighbor - or any other human being. Live and let live, it's that simple. That's the core of Fred Andersson's philosophy humorously named Cheerful Satanism. This is the second collection of essays on the subject of being free, the first one being Homo Satanis: How I Learned to Love Satan and other Insights from my Childhood, published in 2018. In Homo Satanis 2: The Devil Made Me Do It! Fred brings up his own personal views on Satanism, individualism, friendships, patriotism, the danger of victimhood, family, christianity, psychic vampirism, love and hate, truth and reality, sex and many other subjects. It's honest and frank, straight to the point - and with a non-judgmental attitude. These texts are meant as an inspiration to cultivate your own uniqueness and embracing similarities to others without giving up on your own existence.
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-Dis Jacques, qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour rester jeune ? -Oublier de vieillir... Pour Léo, le monde s'écroule le jour où sa mère a un accident de voiture. Son père décide alors de tout quitter pour s'installer à des centaines de kilomètres, au bord de la mer, près de ses grands-parents que Léo ne connaît que des fêtes d'anniversaire et des réunions de famille. Sans ses repères, sans sa mère, sans ses amis, Léo se retrouve abandonné en plein été dans un petit village, le cour lourd et l'âme en peine. Ce n'est que lorsqu'il fait la rencontre de Jacques, le tenancier du tabac-presse, que sa vie se transforme pour la seconde fois. Car Jacques a une méthode infaillible pour redonner sens à une vie...
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Modern liberal democracy is praised in a universalistic Western view as the best political system and a quasi-prerequisite for full acceptance by the community of traditional hegemonial States. However, democracy is fully developed in only less than five percent of States globally, and in decline in most Western countries. In this book, democracy is presented as a political system in danger due to its intrinsic flaws and tendency to self-destruction. The major flaw is that “human nature” is not adequately considered in democracy’s conception: its citizens, “We, the people”, as individuals and as crowds, are liberated into a dangerous ideology prioritizing “freedom from society” over “membership in society” and thereby causing decline in libertinism, hedonism and polarization in divided and finally broken societies. Proposals to resolve the rapidly growing crisis include education of citizens into the ethics of reciprocal altruism, grounded in evidence from biological sciences and humanities, professionalization of politics, and a fundamental change of politics towards evidence-based decision-making, thus ending politicking, politicians' personality affairs, and the cold war of political parties, the representative of class warfare in the sheep-skin of “interest-group pluralism”. The author uses his background in human biology and psychology to discuss the relevance of philosophical and politological issues around democracy raised in past and recent literature, and to highlight the prospects of using scientific knowledge for evidence-based socialization of the "human factor".
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Les Fleurs du mal (English: The Flowers of Evil) is a volume of French poetry by Charles Baudelaire. First published in 1857, it was important in the symbolist and modernist movements. The poems deal with themes relating to decadence and eroticism. This Bilingual English - French edition provides the original text by Baudelaire and its English translation by Cyril Scott. The initial publication of the book was arranged in six thematically segregated sections: 1. Spleen et Idéal (Spleen and Ideal) 2. Tableaux parisiens (Parisian Scenes) 3. Le Vin (Wine) 4. Fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil) 5. Révolte (Revolt) 6. La Mort (Death) Baudelaire dedicated the book to the poet Théophile Gautier, describing him as a parfait magicien des lettres françaises ("a perfect magician of French letters"). The foreword to the volume, Au Lecteur ("To the Reader"), identifying Satan with the pseudonymous alchemist Hermes Trismegistus. The author and the publisher were prosecuted under the regime of the Second Empire as an outrage aux bonnes moeurs ("an insult to public decency"). As a consequence of this prosecution, Baudelaire was fined 300 francs. Six poems from the work were suppressed and the ban on their publication was not lifted in France until 1949. These poems were "Lesbos"; "Femmes damnées (À la pâle clarté)" (or "Women Doomed (In the pale glimmer...)"); "Le Léthé" (or "Lethe"); "À celle qui est trop gaie" (or "To Her Who Is Too Joyful"); "Les Bijoux" (or "The Jewels"); and " Les "Métamorphoses du Vampire" (or "The Vampire's Metamorphoses"). These were later published in Brussels in a small volume entitled Les Épaves (Scraps or Jetsam). On the other hand, upon reading "The Swan" (or "Le Cygne") from Les Fleurs du mal, Victor Hugo announced that Baudelaire had created "un nouveau frisson" (a new shudder, a new thrill) in literature. In the wake of the prosecution, a second edition was issued in 1861 which added 35 new poems, removed the six suppressed poems, and added a new section entitled Tableaux Parisiens. A posthumous third edition, with a preface by Théophile Gautier and including 14 previously unpublished poems, was issued in 1868.
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Vathek, ninth Caliph of the race of the Abassides, was the son of Motassem, and the grandson of Haroun Al Raschid. From an early accession to the throne, and the talents he possessed to adorn it, his subjects were induced to expect that his reign would be long and happy. His figure was pleasing and majestic; but when he was angry one of his eyes became so terrible that no person could bear to behold it, and the wretch upon whom it was fixed instantly fell backward, and sometimes expired. For fear, however, of depopulating his dominions and making his palace desolate he but rarely gave way to his anger. Being much addicted to women and the pleasures of the table, he sought by his affability to procure agreeable companions; and he succeeded the better as his generosity was unbounded, and his indulgences unrestrained, for he was by no means scrupulous, nor did he think with the Caliph Omar Ben Abdalaziz that it was necessary to make a hell of this world to enjoy Paradise in the next.
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